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Doshas Gone Wild: How Bodily Imbalances Might Be Giving Your Brain a Workout

Heather Grzych

Hello, beautiful souls!

I’m Heather Grzych, your virtual neighborhood Ayurvedic practitioner and your guide through the ever-changing world of health in today's the sci-fi world. Today, let’s dive into a topic that some of you may have wondered about: Can bodily imbalances impact the way we think? This is a topic I’m super concerned about, living in a society where people have the power to influence the beliefs and lives of so many. I am concerned about how chronically diseased people are these days not just because I want to help them be healthier, but because I worry that their physical health is actually hindering their ability to see clearly and make good decisions - and that impacts not just the chronically imbalanced person, but also their larger community. If we can purify bodies, then our minds have a better shot at being healthy too.

Let me take a second to define what a Dosha is because it’s a word that everyone should learn to understand themselves better. The word Dosha comes from the Sanskrit language and means that which can go out of balance. Dosha represents the response factors of the body that shift according to lifestyle and dietary behaviors, age, stress, climate, weather, and other environmental factors. When these factors increase or decrease, they can affect the way you feel, think and function. 

There are three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata is a mobile and ethereal energy. Pitta is hot and penetrating, and Kapha is cool, dense, wet and heavy. They all have a functional purpose, but when they increase or decrease to abnormal amounts, then we experience physical imbalances. Too much Vata makes the body too dry, Pitta leads to inflammation and Kapha leads to congestion. And then, whatever state your physical tissues are in will impact your thoughts. Ugh.

The Dosha Drama: A Comedy of Errors

Imagine your Doshas as the cast of a zany sitcom. You've got Vata, the flighty free spirit, Pitta, the intense overachiever, and Kapha, the steady, lovable couch potato. Now picture this: Vata decides to throw a spontaneous dance party, Pitta insists on competing in an Olympic triathlon, and Kapha... well, Kapha just wants to nap through the entire season. If one Dosha gets too rambunctious, it’s bound to mess with the rest, and that’s when things start to get interesting.

When Vata’s in Charge: The Brain Gets a Jolt

To go a little deeper, let’s start with Vata, dominant in the subtle elements of air and space. When Vata’s running the show, you might find yourself bouncing from one thought to another like a pinball in a machine. Your brain becomes a whirlwind of creative ideas, but also a cluttered mess of “Did I leave the stove on?” and “Was that my phone ringing or a figment of my imagination?” 

An increase of Vata might make you feel like your thoughts are stuck in fast forward. One moment you’re planning your dream vacation, and the next you have a brilliant, new product idea that’s going to change the world, and then soon you’re wondering why you can’t remember something from two weeks ago. It's the mental equivalent of eating too many jellybeans: fun, but not particularly grounding.

When Pitta’s in the Driver’s Seat: Focused but Burning Too Hot

Next up, Pitta, the fiery force of transformation. When Pitta’s turned up to eleven, you’re laser-focused, productive, and probably a bit fiery. Your brain is working overtime, but so is your temper. Ever found yourself getting into a heated debate over the best way to brew your morning tea? Yeah, that’s Pitta at play.

While a balanced Pitta brings brilliant problem-solving skills and sharp intellect, when your Pitta is too high, it can turn that brilliance into burnout. You might find yourself overthinking every little detail, obsessing over your to-do list, or feeling like your mind is on the verge of spontaneous combustion. Remember, even the most impressive fireworks can be a bit overwhelming if they’re set off too often.

When Kapha’s in Control: Chill Vibes, but with a Side of Fog

Now, let’s not forget Kapha, full of the earth and water elements. When Kapha is too high, your brain might feel as sluggish as just before your Monday morning coffee. You’re cozy, you’re calm, but you’re also caught in a mental fog that makes even simple decisions feel like a Herculean task.

When your Kapha is too high, it can lead to a mental state that’s reminiscent of trying to wade through molasses. You might struggle with motivation and feel stuck in a rut. Your thoughts can feel heavy, like you’re carrying around a backpack full of bricks. But fear not, because balanced Kapha can offer unparalleled steadiness and emotional resilience—perfect for when you need to keep your cool in the midst of life’s little tempests.

Harmony is Key

So when your Doshas are out of whack, your thoughts are likely to follow suit. Just as a film needs all the actors to do their job in the scene, your mind and body need to work together in balance. The next time you find yourself struggling with a whirlwind of thoughts, a fiery temper, or a mental fog, check in with your doshas. They might just be staging a little internal drama. But if you mindfully impact the physical, then you can impact the mental - and vice versa!

Remember, Ayurveda is all about tuning into your inner rhythm and finding harmony. So take a deep breath, balance those Doshas, and let your mind and body waltz gracefully together. After all, life is too short to let imbalanced doshas steal the show!


Feel free to share this blog post with anyone who might need a little reminder to check their Doshas and find their inner zen!


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