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Wellness That's Close to Your Soul


Heather Grzych
Jul 14, 20222 min read
Is Your Health Issue Impacting Your Relationships?
We take our health for granted sometimes. We forget how awesome the sense of taste is when we lose it. We appreciate how lovely it is to...

Heather Grzych
Jul 11, 20221 min read
Find the motivation to be healthier
Do you like dogs? Or maybe cats? Well why does it seem like we humans sometimes care more for our pets than we do our own bodies? "I want...

Heather Grzych
Jun 30, 20222 min read
Grieve Like a Boss with Heather and AmarAtma Singh
This week, I learned a term to describe something many of us feel, but perhaps haven't fully owned yet... emotion phobia. Sometimes this...

Heather Grzych
Jun 26, 20222 min read
Treating Your Pain with Heather and Dr. Saloni Sharma
We have all heard by now that there's an insane opioid epidemic in the United States. And even more commonly, how many people drink...

Heather Grzych
Mar 10, 20223 min read
Why Kourtney Kardashian Did a Sex Fast, and Why You Might Want to Try It Too
Heather Grzych, Ayurvedic practitioner and author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility, discusses why a person may want to try a sex fast.

Heather Grzych
Jun 26, 20211 min read
READ: Redefining Menopause with Ayurveda
Redefining Menopause with Ayurveda, article by Heather Grzych for Banyan Botanicals

Heather Grzych
Apr 1, 20214 min read
READ: So You Wanna Have a Baby: First Thing to Do
This "slow fertility" movement may seem counterintuitive if you are a female who is used to charging forward to achieve your goals.

Heather Grzych
Sep 11, 20201 min read
LISTEN: Wisdom of the Body podcast with Heather Grzych launches!
Tune in and drop in to listen to your body, trust your gut and live in deeper harmony with nature. Guests include creative leaders and...
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