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Wellness That's Close to Your Soul
Heather Grzych
May 17, 20203 min read
WATCH: How to Trust Your Instincts with Prenatal Yoga with Jane Austin
Lately I’ve been talking with a lot of people who work in fertility, prenatal, labor and postpartum care because my book The Ayurvedic...
Heather Grzych
May 12, 20201 min read
READ: 3 Ways the Pandemic can Advance your Yoga Practice - if you Surrender to it
"Since the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life as we know it, you may miss going to your local yoga studio to breathe, sweat, and lie...
Heather Grzych
May 11, 20201 min read
LISTEN: Heather talks about Ayurvedic Health and Healing on the Mystical Motherhood Podcast
Heather had a consciousness-expanding conversation this week with Pritam Atma on her Mystical Motherhood podcast. Pritam is a Nurse...
Heather Grzych
May 11, 20201 min read
LISTEN: Heather interviewed about Ayurveda and Fertility on Ayurveda Life School podcast
I was interviewed by another Ayurvedi named Heather, and we talked about everything from the Four Fertility Factors to who should fast...
Heather Grzych
May 6, 20201 min read
READ: An Excerpt from The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility published on Elephant Journal
"Women these days seem to have a lot of fear and insecurity around conception, as evidenced by the increase in measures taken by women...
Heather Grzych
May 4, 20201 min read
WATCH: Heather interviewed about Ayurvedic Fertility on Dr. John Douillard's LifeSpa podcast
Had an amazing discussion with Dr. John Douillard about preconception, fertility and women's health on his podcast! You can listen to my...
Heather Grzych
Apr 27, 20202 min read
WATCH: A Brave Conversation About Fertility in the Time of COVID-19
I'm launching a book on fertility in the middle of a pandemic. I wrote this book pre-pandemic, but I realize how important this book...
Heather Grzych, MAAy, CAP
May 1, 20191 min read
Fasting is the Zen Mind Diet, featured on Red Pantz
Ever wonder how to find that Zen Mind? Maybe the answer isn't in your yoga or meditation classes. Maybe it's in your belly.
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